Good progress to report on this Earthday 2014! Gerry Horak (Councilman district 6) asked Darin Attaberry, City Manager, to direct the Citizen Energy Board to explore the situation and make an official recommendation for council action. Also, John Phelan, Fort Collins Utilities Service Manager in charge of energy efficiency, provided a chart of next steps to make this program work! This is all much more then what would have happened without Cforse agitation, so thank you to all of our 14,000 Fort Collins contributing members and to everyone who has a written a letter of support. We will get this done!
I would love to be able to say that they are on the right track and that Cforse can move on to the next step in our agenda, but history has taught me that the City government needs constant electroshock therapy in order to get anything accomplished! The City Master Plan drafted in 2010 called for this program to be functional by the end of 2012. Cforse began asking for this program before the Master Plan did. Four years later here we are, still badgering the hell of our City managers and “leaders” to get the job done right. So… no, I can’t say that we can move on, but I can tell all of you that gave us money to get this done that we will not stop until all bill paying residents have access to affordable financing to make homes energy efficient.