Fort Collins City Council votes on our campaign!

Reporting live from City Hall:  Fort Collins Utilities is proposing the adoption of an "On Bill Tariff" program. The program allows Utils. to pay for efficiency upgrades to a building and then use the energy savings generated to pay for the upgrade. It is important to homeowners and renters to provide the capital needed for upgrades to save energy and money on bills, as well as making homes more comfortable and reducing Fort Collins' energy footprint.

CforSE has been working to get Council and Utilities to prioritize the proper functioning of this program since 2010. The modifications proposed tonight allow more people to participate and save more money, especially lower income homeowners and renters. CforSE supports the staff recommended changes with the addition of changing the maximum terms of financing from 15 years to 20 years for efficiency remodels that will last at least 20 years. Councilmembers Gerry Horak, Ross Cuniff, and Bob Overbeck have voiced support for 20 yr terms.

...That was such a long and tedious meeting that my laptop died!

The result:  Council voted 7-0 in favor of the proposal and the 20 yr terms, and they asked staff to bring back an option for lower interest rates!

I have to thank all of our CforSE members and supporters over the years for making this happen! Your contributions give us the resources to fight these battles and your VOICE is the fire under the butt of City government that makes victories like this happen. I'd also like to thank Gerry Horak, who is running for Council this year, and Wade Troxell, who may be running for Mayor, for their added input and dedication to getting this program done right.