That's one small waste of money...

The City's Biomass Burner Study has been completed. I know you are dieing to hear the result! It was exactly as predicted - A biomass burner is not a practical solution to dealing with the potential impact of the Emerald Ash Borer. In case you haven't heard, the Ash Borer is an insect that is decimating ash trees across the country and is anticipated to arrive in FoCo in a year or two. A biomass burner would have burned the dead trees to create electricity. The City spent $50,000 to recreate studies that have been done in better biomass markets in CO already. One small example of how our City Council wastes $$. The wood could be sold to furniture makers, or firewood cutters, or mulch, or many other applications that wouldn't cost the millions of dollars that the city was considering spending on a biomass burner. They truly missed the forest for the trees on this one.